Hip Replacement Surgery

A procedure where damaged parts of the hip joint are replaced with artificial components.
Explore information on hip replacement surgery, from candidacy to recovery. Learn about the procedure, risks, and benefits to make informed decisions on hip arthroplasty. Informative for anyone considering or researching hip joint solutions.

Hip replacement surgery, also known as hip arthroplasty, is a procedure where damaged parts of the hip joint are replaced with artificial components. Serving as a solution for individuals with severe hip pain and mobility issues, resulting in significantly improved quality of life.

Hip joint with arthritis vs. a normal hip joint

Osteoarthritis diagram of the hip

What Is Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip replacement surgery involves replacing a damaged or worn-out hip joint with a prosthetic implant. The goal of this surgical intervention is to relieve pain, improve functionality, and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals suffering from hip joint conditions.


Who Is a Candidate for Hip Replacement?

Candidates for hip replacement often exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Persistent hip pain that interferes with daily activities
  • Discomfort and pain during rest or sleep
  • Chronic inflammation unresponsive to conservative treatments
  • Stiffness in the hip joint, restricting movement.
  • Limited relief from non-surgical interventions such as medications and physical therapy

Different Types of Hip Replacement Surgeries

Whilst there are several forms of hip replacement surgeries, total hip replacement surgery remains the most common reproducible procedure performed today.

  1. Total Hip Replacement (THR): The entire hip joint is replaced with artificial components.
  2. Partial Hip Replacement: Only a portion of the hip joint is replaced, typically the femoral head and typically only used in the treatment of hip fractures.
  3. Hip Resurfacing: The damaged surfaces of the joint are capped with prosthetic devices.

Risks and Possible Complications

While generally safe, hip replacement surgeries come with their own set of risks. It's essential to consult your Healthcare Provider or Orthopaedic Surgeon to better understand your individual risks.

Preoperative Preparations

Preparation for hip replacement surgery may include:

  • Comprehensive medical history review and physical examination
  • Blood tests and diagnostic imaging such as X-rays, CT or MRIs
  • CT scan for robotic surgery procedure planning
  • Preoperative fitness evaluations
  • Discussions about anaesthesia options and anaesthetist review.

X-ray of a normal hip (top) vs.  osteoarthritic hip (below)

normal hip xray
Osteoarthritis hip xray

What Happens During Surgery?

The procedure, typically lasting between 1 to 3 hours, involves:

  1. Administering anaesthesia
  2. Removal of the damaged hip joint and preparation of the bone surfaces, utilising cutting-edge technologies such as robotic guidance.
  3. Implantation of the artificial hip components – again with robotic guidance to ensure precision.
  4. Assessing the stability and functionality of the new joint
  5. Closing and bandaging the surgical site

Recovery and Rehabilitation: What to Expect

Post-surgery, a short hospital stay may be required for monitoring and initiation of physical therapy. Pain is generally managed with medication, and mobility is gradually reintroduced with the aid of walking aids. A personalised rehabilitation programme will guide the recovery process, and most patients can expect to return to normal activities within three months.

Choosing the Right Surgeon: Your Next Steps

Finding an expert surgeon is pivotal in ensuring a successful outcome. If this summary has been helpful and you are contemplating the next steps, please contact us and book a consultation with Dr Morris to discuss your options in more detail.

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